Our philosophy
Quality: Top-class though free
Free of Charge: An expression of universal love
Value based: Love and compassion as the basis
Universal: No distinction of religion or caste or creed
Holistic: Focus on healing of body, mind and soul

Whom do we cater to?
While we provide free and quality healthcare to every patient whom we serve, it is practically impossible to cater to the needs of all who approach us. Bhagawan Baba has guided that he has established these hospitals as role models for others to emulate.
According to His guidance, the hospital has worked out a patient access policy * that spells out who is eligible to avail these services. Planned medical interventions such as Obstetrics, various types of surgeries/procedures and treatment of chronic diseases is offered to patients from certain demographics only, typically the residents of three mandals: Puttaparthi, Bukapattanam, Kothacheruvu. However, acute conditions and emergencies are exempted from the demographic restriction.
In addition to the people from surrounding villages, the hospital receives a number of patients who are residents of the ashram, volunteers who serve in various Sathya Sai institutions and also pilgrims to Prasanthi Nilayam ashram.
* The access to medical services is at the pure discretion of hospital authorities.
What people say about us
The joy I experienced was beyond description and the experience inspired me to start a free medical clinic back home, in Northern California, USA
..a living example of decades of service ..... patients are treated with kindness and empathy by the entire staff including the dedicated volunteers.
.. the passion and sincerity with which you all do work, touched my heart as well as the other faculty invited for the CME.